Sunday, August 8, 2010

Changing times

Haven't been back blogging in quite a while now.Finally, like zoe's blogs, mine too start with the same line. each one of them in fact...well a lot has been going on....
I sometimes wonder how easy and difficult it is to make connections...with people, with objects, with things so very much at random...u see a painting , and u instantly know taht it is what u were looking for...on the other hand you may know people for ages, you may have grown up with them, but after a while you just know that connection doesnt exist any more... and tahts what gets me wondering...if its so easy to lose that thread that connected you to another soul, to any random object , to an abstract idea, then how do we explain the attachment which comes so naturally as a part of the liking?
Is all attachment temporary ? I've heard, and am sure, so have you, that Change is the only thing constant, but do we ever set ourselves by that? If we do, then why do we resist change so much?One possibility is probably that we get so accustomed to what we have, so comfortable around it...that we sometimes refuse to open up and see what lies beyond that, or maybe after that...With a very pragmatic view to what is, what has been, and what will be, the lesser we expect out of life, out of ourselves, and out of others, the easier and the more adaptable our existence becomes...and so it continues to be.What will all highs and lows life shows us, within the span of a single day, its strange and sometimes amusing too (i.e. if you are not subjectively involved) to see the way we react to the it good or bad...but who said life was a bed of roses..guess we just always want/expect the best/better/good things...well where do all the bad/worse/worst things go then???
And what does not kill you, only makes you stronger... :)


  1. Rightly said. We fear what we don't know. Hence the resistance to change. But I've always felt that more often change is good than bad. If all of life was to go the way we wish, one can only imagine how horribly boring it all would get.

    And speaking of attachment, there's one thing that I've come to realise. Over a span of 20 odd years, shifting homes every two years, even the process of change has become pretty much streamlined. Definitely you meet new people, definitely you make new friends... and definitely sometimes you wonder "Are these new friends slowly sidelining the old ones?"

    That is when you realise who are the very few people you actually wish to keep in touch with. It's a filter, an entire world of acquaintances will get stripped down to a bare handful. And girl, in this handful, no mere acquaintances would've lingered. Only those who matter.

    So drench yourself in the new wave of change, breathe in lungfulls of this new air. When every possible factor is trying to separate you from your past, only what's inseparable will sustain...

  2. ok, this topic scares me. but i guess even i am somewhere learning to live wid it. and kc is ryt, wt has to stay, solidifies its reasons to stay.thou i wonder, if wat think is 'change' today, shall look like 'no change' tomorrow.

  3. @chitrang and chiki: What sometimes amuses me is the way apparently, mind you, apparently we make friends, who we dont shy away from calling friends, but when it comes to stand the test of time or memory for that matter, sustainability is nil, absolutely non-existence. And having placed friendship above all bonds, for a long time now, i really find it hard to comprehend how that works...change, attachment, non-attachment all is a part of a series of non-planned events i guess...the sooner we come to terms with that, the better...

  4. Hey! 'Friendship' is as big a term blown out of proportion as 'Love' or 'Duty'. We have started expecting a lot out of people, while in our heart of hearts we're all painfully aware how dependable we ourselves are.

    And expectations are wicked lizards. They'll park themselves in your days for a while and leave when you won't expect them to. Don't be fooled by them. Despite their indifference, your friends might still surprise you someday. Keep that door open...

  5. Hey Ash! I think u're doin way better than me.. a month gap isn't dat bad with all the projects and the looove flyin around u >:-) hehe.

    Nice read..Change, attachment, non-attachment.. I totally get you.. 'makes one wonder and ponder, but sadly, it's all a part of life.
