Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dilli Calling...

The idea of a new city appeals to me. Always has. New surroundings, new people, a new way of life...Newness has always had its unheralded charm...
This time I’m all the more excited, since it is a city called Dilli... :)
There’s something about Dilli that I find extremely attractive. I've had glimpses and peeks at it, and it’s intrigued me. Always. The broad roads, the smell of the roads infact reeks (the word has been used after a lot of thought) of it being the capital city. So you expect 'capitals' of everything... Look at the winters and the summers. Its got some of the coldest winters, when crawling down inside your quilt with some warm whiskey in ur stomach couldn't just getter better; while u have some of the hottest summers, when nothing could compare to a cold chilling shower!
So you have everything in 'capital' doses. Well I think knowing this helps u set expectations from and with the city. U are better prepared.
And, very importantly, it also has breathing space. Somehow I've always maintained that Bombay makes me feel very claustrophobic, and for a person who couldn't but like more space around her, Bombay just couldn't get better! Anyway I'd resolved that I’m no longer going to crib about Bum-bay so am going to stick to that (except for the local trains maybe).
Plus there’s good food in Delhi; regular eatable food. And for somebody who eats to give in to the cravings of the taste buds over that of the stomach, Delhi gets full points! I JUST couldn't live with the concept of eating 'paus' as basic food items. Every day! Delhi's got good food and at all times of the day! And I repeat good food. The lill experience that my taste buds have had in Dilli, tells me so, to say the least.
And the last time I’d been there I shopped and shopped well. Important. I somehow find things here a lill flashy, a lill more Bollywood-y than what it should have been. No offence meant to people who like shopping in Bombay; my choice in clothing completely! And well that does not mean that I’m not going to do my bit of shopping before I leave Bumbay... Bum or Dil it’s shopping anyway!! :P :P

Delhi also has this very intriguing amalgamation of the old and the new. The old exists with such grandeur, with no resentment for the new. And the new has its own pace and place. It’s not all that worried about replacing the past with as fewer steps as possible. Both exist, independent of the other, well aware though of each others presence...
Well, I’m probably looking forward to lotta good things in Dilli. I guess I ought not to have so many expectations. At least till I’m told for sure that I’m going there (I’ve been told 'almost' for sure, so far!) I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying that the city lives up to my expectations!!


  1. not to undermine your expectations... but I sincerely believe one can never be too prepared for Delhi. As far as the good food, old existing alongside new, and other stuff is concerned... don't build up too many expectations before you reach. If the Lutyens' buildings exist with a lotta grandeur, somewhere an old Sadar Bazaar decays in its solitude and sheer disregard that people hold towards it. Delhi's not entirely good, Delhi's not entirely bad... Delhi is just, everything.

    The choice ultimately is your own, what to make of your Delhi.

  2. Well, you are right about the food. But maybe not so much about the rest! Anyway, hope Delhi keeps its end of the bargain and interests you throughout your stay there.

  3. Chitrang: A book i read a while back had this line mentioned in several chapters :'Decay is inherent in the act of creation'...
    Well, the expectations i agree are maybe a lill high, but a lill optimism never harmed anyone (or did it!!)
    Well,honestly Dilli has always intrigued me, in ways more than one...well it will bring what it will..This was written out of sheer excitement, n purely that.. and was written quite a few weeks back, and waskept to myself precisely for keeping expectations in check!! dint work for too long :)
    And well, something that i find a lill strange is that while its true that an old sadar bazaar maybe decaying due to sheer disregard..but when did people like u and me, start bothering about that? Dint we always find our solitude in either, or maybe both...
    Well, expectations or not, the city will bring what it has to...till then, i'll keep walking.Am still holding fort :)

  4. @gayatri: Hope dilli keeps more than just its side of the we'll figure...
    *fingers crossed*

    @ Rhea: u seem to be the only one not chastising me for having my hopes too high..
    Well the rose-tinted glass works for me too, at least for a lill while; however the problem begins when that rose tinted glass is replaced by the opaque one! Well, i guess its still better than not having a looking glass at all, opaque or whatever...(Bumbay dint quite work for me that way!)
    'Rape capital' or not,it will bring what it has to..till then...i'll be waiting :)

  5. I'll remember that quote... it's true. As regards the other one (Optimism never hurt anybody)... well, one's been surprised in the past. But yeah, that doesn't stop us looking at greener grass and it shouldn't.

    All the luck to you. I feel you'll handle the 'Rape Capital' fine. Do be wary of autorickshaw-wallahs though. They'll cost you your life and Rs 10 extra. And as always...

    ...keep walking

  6. i'll remember that bit of liefe and Rs 10 extra.
