Tuesday, November 15, 2011

And they called it Pain

They watch, they smile
A wry smile, but all the same
A point in time,
Where the clocks stop ticking,
The sun and the moon
No longer vie for the same sky
A soft breeze or a violent wind
None does enough damage
For better or worse, they already have.
A laugh, a cry,
A penetrating yet shallow sigh
"Can you hear me? Can you hear me please?"
I've turned deaf ears to the voice years back!


  1. Don't be so decided, girl. Sometimes it's better off not knowing what you must expect. It keeps them slimy, sticky ones away...

    To rest one's faith onto the ether,
    it pays, for lizards be fewed.
    To walk is all that's asked of man,
    you walk, let me be hued.

    For bliss is ignorance, is what they say,
    and that is the way to be.
    Let me want less, the lizards at bay,
    won't occur, what I won't see.

  2. they come and go
    they always did,
    we walk with them
    not knowing they walk with us too

    Sometimes, they silently watch,
    Sometimes they just LOL,
    At our desperation and then not
    Mostly they are just best left alone!

    Always have my friend, will keep walking...the path may not have always been the easiest, we braved many walls, and still kept at it...that is what made us we in the first place! :)
    And we will always be...
