Wednesday, August 10, 2011

And the circle goes on...

Life in all its complexities, in all its disappointments, in all its laughter and smiles as well as in all its achievements holds a balance, and in it lays a charm of its own. We win some, we lose some, but eventually it always balances each other out. Today yet again, in a conversation with a close friend i realized yet again how everyone’s life in one way or the other is intertwined. There is always someone in some corner of the earth in the same place that you were in someday. Some other pair of feet always fit into the shoes that you’ve outgrown at some point in Life. It is like watching the repeat telecasts of your favourite sitcom, with different characters each time. And each time though the story begins the same, it leads to a very different set of consequences, very different set of experiences, very different set of choices, which finally decide the outcome.
It is often through other’s experiences that you re-live your past and bring on nostalgia. Nostalgia for emotions you felt, emotions you could feel at one point and are sure you no longer will. The all it takes is the whiff of another someone living your life, x years ago... And there you go! Only this time you smile and say you know better and would have chosen more wisely. However what we forget to consider is taht if we’d not made those mistakes, taken those risks, chosen those less-travelled paths, today would be as good as yesterday. And we’d  have to start all over again!
Looking back, i d not cringe for a moment when i acknowledge that i’ve always not taken the best of decisions, not chosen the best of people, not done the ‘right’ things always, (actually mostly, for that matter), but that what makes me, Me. And am glad of the ‘me’ i am today.
And like another close friend says, the best we could do is to keep walking..the rest will fall into place!  J
It always does!


  1. we all are born with our own share of struggles, trials, tribulations and achievements...someone might ease the way a little, but we have to walk the road alone :)
