Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In Faith or Fate...

Its been a while since i found something inspiring enough, that it urged me to sit down and write and i’ve missed that feeling!...I just watched the movie ‘Serendipity’- what they call a happy or a fortunate accident. Co-incidentally it fell into place with a set of thoughts i’ve been fondling with in my mind for a while now...Serendipity for sure!!

If i close my eyes for a while and think about all the people i’ve known or met, everyone has come back with very strange consequences in my life. Wait...strange is perhaps the wrong word here. Very different consequences in my life, is better put, than i would have imagined them! Friends, parents, partners etc...none are where i thought they’d be, and maybe in twenty years, or even five years from now, they again will not be, where standing here i think they will. That gets me wondering, and worried too...Do we have control over what we do, who we meet, who we make friends with and how our life shapes out...or do things just fall into place by some supernatural order? To sound more cliché, as Shakespeare put it are we just actors on the world stage just playing our parts in a grand play, or are we really the directors who are playing the parts and deciding the course  of the play at the same time? Are we just pawns in a much larger order of things or are we playing the game too? Is it about the choices we make or about those that we don’t?

While Sarah and Jonathan from the movie found their own ways to tweak their destinies, did they have absolutely no role to play in it...I cant help thinking, if they’d taken more  initiative the first time they’d met, years before Jonathan and Sarah decided to come back and look for each other just before very crucial steps in their individual lives, wouldn’t they have spared their own lives, and taht of a few others a lot of drama and perhaps pain too? Well, if taht’d happened we would definitely have missed out on an inspiring watch but what about life?  While a certain Sarah, did find her Jonathan, years after they met on a fateful evening, what about the Halley who lost her Jonathan. Is it designed that way, that in one’s happiness, inevitably lies another’s pain.. I am just thinking out aloud if what Sarah’s friend said to her that Life isn’t some elaborate stage-play with directions, that all a part of a master plan, some larger picture; Life’s a mess , its chaos personified. If that is true, then it is we who add or subtract from that mess.Like i said i cannot help but wonder what if Sarah and Jonathan had not played hide-and-seek with the Fates and instead taken charge. Would we have had just another depressing cinematic experience of how ‘Life just happens’ inspite of your plans?

Strangely, as i’m keying down these confused threads of thoughts, my play list decided to play a track for me that says ‘we must be the change we want to see, if this is to become reality...Only you can get your fire started...only you can keep it burning...”Maybe that is a sign; or maybe its just another plain co-incidence. But then again we have another school of thought that says all co-incidences are a kind of sign. But am i looking for signs at all? I am at a point in my life where i am about to take a major decision that is going to personally and professionally affect me in several ways. If i am to vote in favour of the decision i would be sitting up and taking charge.  I do not know, if am acting on impulse, but a part of me strongly wants to take charge. I have my own inhibitions too, like everyone else. And am trying to overcome them...I am at crossroads again... I’ll guess i’ll let  ‘life happen’....

1 comment:

  1. we're all looking for signs gurl... At all times. Coz nobody knows what the hell is happening and how they got themselves here. I remember a similar conversation a few days ago that left me thinking. Little critters (ants, insects n all) also operate independently. How big a brain would they have, are they really capable of conscious, well thought-out decisions?

    I think whenever one makes a conscious decision, something is lost to us. The chain of events that would've occured after the 'other' choice. It's a huge loss if you think about it. We're capable of losing things we can't afford to lose... All because of conscious decisions.

    God had a simple answer to this. Like the critters and the beasts, he created a pea-sized area in our heads and put it everything we must not alter, as 'instinct'. Like a mother's love for child, or the will to survive... The rest is upto us. Hence the conflict between the head and the heart... aka, the thought and the instinct.
