Thursday, October 11, 2012

Then, there was once when willows had wished

There come the mercenaries of Time
To salvage my forsaken self
From her own devious clutches
And take me back to the beginning of time

What was it like
When i couldn't see?
Blinded, blindfolded, lost to the sea
Was it nicer still,
Or was it simply another carcass of my dreams?

Life-like silence
Drowns the din within
Strangely today, there is no calm in that
Or perhaps not.
Neither is there the voice, begging to be heard

The puppet dance
A myriad of colors.
Like a frenzy of a glistening blur
They fade in and out
Sometimes they don't even try.

There was a time, time had stopped
Then, there was once when willows had wished
--lukewarm, fuzzy memories!
Stillness, eagerly seeking
validation that never came;
It's too late now
Not even the remnants remain.

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