Here goes another attempt! To that it reaches the me that can process the information.
There must have been a few hundred lines, i've written and deleted by now, for this very post!
But this post i shall an ode to this feeling...of blankness! Nothing like i last said...
Till such times, my words regain their spontaneity efforts will be these disjointed meaningless half posts. Like a friend was saying, maybe i need to endure this blankness, so as to let the disconnected emotions find their own dark alleys to freedom...
There must have been a few hundred lines, i've written and deleted by now, for this very post!
But this post i shall an ode to this feeling...of blankness! Nothing like i last said...
Till such times, my words regain their spontaneity efforts will be these disjointed meaningless half posts. Like a friend was saying, maybe i need to endure this blankness, so as to let the disconnected emotions find their own dark alleys to freedom...
"i need to endure this blankness, so as to let the disconnected emotions find their own dark alleys to freedom..."
ReplyDeleteI love your use of words! I also like the idea of simply writing, not really arriving anywhere, just yielding expression to the vacuum of the mind. Loved your poems too!
@Jigar: glad u did! n thanks much :)
ReplyDeleteWriting, i've always believed, is to yield expression; whether it goes somewhere, or remains entwined in its own vines, is something that is left open to interpretation...
True, but sometimes I feel that for "expression" to occur, there must be "something" to provoke it. Things get interesting when there is "nothing" save an urge to express. Then, it is only the string of words that double back on itself: like a poem that tells the story of its own creation!
ReplyDeleteguess I went too far :)
You did not. We never go too far unless u think u did, and in that too, it tells its own story! :)
ReplyDeleteThere can be various stimuli for expressions to occur. Sometimes even, the urge to express is so very strong, that it overwhelms your ability to do so. So in search of better times...
Of late, I have realized that I love to write stories, not that I am skilled at that. And many a times I stare at a blank page for minutes at length, and the best I can write is: "I don't know what to write". So the yearning is there, but no content! It is gladdening to know that there are others who feel the same. Are you working on some big project like a novel or a book of poems? Or wish to?
ReplyDeleteI'm not too good with stories..never tried them writing is very spontaneous actually..inspired too very often.
ReplyDeleteBut a book, yes sure someday!
And you know what, i've started doing something about those moments when there's that strong yearning to write, but no content still...just grab a pen and an old fashioned diary. If you are a similar romanticizer the whole archaic idea of an old diary will help spill the thoughts on paper..
Nevertheless, being able to write has always been a heart gladdens each time i meet another one of us :)